Spare parts

TURBOLUB supplies spare parts for all delivered products that are fully compliant with the initial specifications:

  • turbine-vapeurSteam turbines:
    • Important stock of all vital parts: graphite rings, pads, regulation and triggering valves, etc.
    • Shafts and wheels for quick rotor manufacture
    • Foundry parts also kept in stock for repairs



  • centrale-lubrificationLubrication systems:
    • Supply of filtering parts
    • Miscellaneous components: pumps, motors, regulation valves, etc.
    • Instrumentation with calibration report



  • Pressurisation skids / pressurised equipment:
    • Instrumentation with calibration report
    • Bladders for accumulators
    • Removable cooling coil


In close contact with many manufacturers, we can also examine all spare part requests for products not manufactured by us.

Furthermore, a special study can be proposed for obsolete parts which require replacement.